Home » The New York Times on the Benefit of Music Education

The New York Times on the Benefit of Music Education

Two recent articles in the New York Times highlight the remarkable benefits of musical training.

The first, “Is Music the Key to Success?” (full article here), describes the sometimes surprising correlations between music education and outsized success in other, seemingly unrelated fields. Although the examples are anecdotal (who knew Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, was also a professional clarinet and saxophone player?), it’s fascinating to find that so many musically trained people credit the enriching effects of their own music educations, claiming that it has sharpened their “collaboration, creativity, discipline and capacity to reconcile conflicting ideas.”

A second piece, titled “Long-Term Benefits of Music Lessons” (article here), picks up on a recent studies that show the neurological benefits of childhood music lessons. Neuroscientist and study author Nina Kraus gives us this winning quote: “Our general thinking about music education is that it is for our children,” she said. “But in fact we are setting up our children for healthy aging based on what we are able to provide them with now.”